There’s a lot of marketing “noise” out there. What should you focus on? 7 Marketing Strategies to Monetize Your Brand Now will show you 7 ways to save time and avoid the chaos of reacting to the latest marketing trends. You’ll uncover marketing channels that you probably aren’t using. Apply just one and fully implement and you’re on your way to a steady stream of clients!

Carolyn Ortman is a sought-after speaker, trainer, and marketing expert. Her acclaim comes from industry experts in the U.S., Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.
She is President of CKO Marketing Group—a firm that specializes in marketing and branding strategies. Clients learn approaches and methods for standing out above the marketplace “noise.” Having spoken to over 1,200 audiences internationally, she has developed, presented, and facilitated programs that offer insight and practical tools for immediate application.
Carolyn has an MBA and draws from more than 20 years of business expertise—including a decade of corporate management.
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