Pregnancy & Post Partum – Scripting

Pregnancy & Post Partum – Scripting

Have you ever had those moments when you wake up in the morning and you just feel like all of your positive energy has vanished without a trace? Ever feel that you are at a low point on the vibrational scale and you don’t quite know how you got there, why you feel the...
[ARTICLE] The F-word in 2019!

[ARTICLE] The F-word in 2019!

I'm sure the title of this article gave you pause, and the context of it is not what you may think. 🙂 Every year, I am given a theme or essence in meditation to activate at an inner and outer level as part of my New Year intentions and visioning.  This year, those...
Manifesting with “The Law of the Circle”

Manifesting with “The Law of the Circle”

There is a concept that I want to share with you.  The way I heard it explained was very powerful to me and really hit home. This concept is The Law of the Circle (LOTC). Patricia Cota-Robles states that it confirms that “in any given moment, our lives are...
The Power of SPEAKING #Gratitude

The Power of SPEAKING #Gratitude

Whether you are celebrating Thanksgiving here in the US or not.  I want to thank you for your light on this Earth!  I am very grateful for you being in the Coaching from Spirit Family.  WE are here to support you in any way we can. I do energy work, prayers, and...

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