Today I'm chatting with the amazing Michele PW (Pariza Wacek).
She is a best-selling, award-winning fiction and nonfiction author. On the fiction side, she writes psychological thrillers/mystery/suspense books and has a popular book blog. On the nonfiction side, she's written 5 books in the “Love-Based Business” series that share how to sell more with love and build a solid, profitable business on a foundation of love.
Michele shared how to create promotional materials like sales pages, opt in pages and emails that will draw in your ideal client using what she calls loved-based copy.
You have a choice when it comes to writing your copy (copywriting is writing promotional materials, nothing to do with putting a copyright on something or protecting your intellectual property) and marketing your business. You can choose fear-based (i.e. more traditional copywriting that sounds hype-y, slime-y and inauthentic) or love-based, where you can attract, inspire and invite your ideal prospects to become ideal clients.
One of the biggest questions Michele gets is does love-based copy actually work? The answer is YES!
On this call, she's going to share with you her proven love-based strategies that have helped her sell nearly $50 Million dollars of products and services over the past 8 years.
Michele shared the biggest mistake people make when creating copy and what to do instead. She gave a simple inner and outer approach to drawing in your ideal client and customer easier and faster starting right now!
In this interview you'll discover…
- What exactly IS love-based copy and why you should use it in your business (and why it's better than fear-based)
- The 3 foundational pieces you need to have in place to craft love-based copy
- The easiest and fastest way to get started writing love-based copy
- One of the biggest mistakes people make when they try and craft love-based copy
Michele provided you with an amazing gift of her Love-Based Copy Writing Template. Listen in and grab your gift!
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