So how do you become a receiver? Allow yourself to become the instrument for it. Infinite healing is accessible and can be learned by anyone and everyone.

We're not here to master energy healing techniques, we're here to master healing itself.

To be a successful Spiritual Entrepreneur, you want to learn to receive. We can't provide for others that which we are not willing to accept ourselves. So today we're going to go over:


  • Are our underlying worthiness issues telling us to give, give, give without receiving as well? Receiving is the other side of the coin and each replenishes the other.
  • Sometimes we feel we have to attain a certain level of success before realizing we've always been worthy of receiving.
  • Our universal source designed us to receive that which is greater than us, to receive the unknown.
  • How can the Reconnective Healing frequencies assist in this process?

                                                                ABOUT OUR GUESTS

Dr Eric Pearl ran a highly successful chiropractic practice for 12 years when one day his patients began reporting healings as Eric simply held his hands near them. Dr Eric & Jillian, his life partner and Director of Insight & Development, travel the world teaching live events, courses and training programs in what science today calls Reconnective Healing®. Having brought Reconnective Healing to over 100 countries affecting the lives of millions of people, they’ve recently created The Portal (Reconnective Healing Online Level 1 Course), so that in this time you may begin to learn Reconnective Healing in the comfort of your own home!

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