We are making some changes in our ezine format and hope you like it!

In this new layout, we are breaking out tips, strategies, and insights to better serve you!

If you have a business or want to start one, please read Empowered Business Messengers section. or everyone else, please read the Empowered Life Messengers section. My sense is now more than ever, we are all being called to become Empowered Messengers of hope and peace; to truly BE conduits for Divine Love energy to flow through us to everyone we impact and to allow that energy to ripple out to everyone on the planet and the planet itself. This is why I want to better focus the support I offer you, so scroll through to see what serves you best in this moment. Soon we will be launching a powerful experiment, and I would love to have you along for the ride to support you to experience greater PEACE in your life and business.

More on that in the next weeks.

Empowered Business Messengers

Bring into the light your website, social media, clients, and any problems you feel you have with confidence, selling, marketing.

This is not a one time FIX, but the more you take it all to the light the more you will see things happening in ways beyond logic.

Here is a key: Your business is a conduit for Divine Love in the world so when you partner with Spirit and dedicate your business no matter what it is to that intention, no matter what happens- Good will come out of every thing you do in some way for you. The more you focus on Light the more Light will come back to you to support you.

Even when things look like they are  not working the way YOU want them to. I assure you that there is a Divine Curriculum you signed up for at a soul level and all will be used for your and everyone's greater good.

There is a passage in the spiritual mind training book A Course in Miracles that says: ” I put my future in the Hands of God (use whatever word works for you on that) Say this over and over when you have business anxiety or any anxiety and you will be activating the solutions beyond logic.

Another aspect for quelling business anxiety at an outer level.. is to understand who are those you are called to serve?

This is wired in you and to find that you just need to look at the pain, issues, seeming problems you have faced or are facing and the seed of connection is there.

When I first started coaching I had left an executive position, so I started coaching miserable executives since I  had been one.

Later as I became more successful in my business using spiritual principles and out of the box marketing given to me in meditations, I started to work with those feeling called to coach others but they needed to activate more confidence and have someone that could support them at an inner and outer level.

So ask in your light meditation each day for your business

  • What should I do?
  • Where should I go?
  • What should I say and to whom?
  • and then listen when the still small voice speaks to you through the day.

Before you do anything even the most mundane thing go to the light in your mind and ASK.

You may not remember and get it right most times (I certainly don't) but sometimes you will and you will ALLOW in divine solutions BEYOND logic and in that light is all peace for all things.

[You can also use the next meditation. Just bring in the aspects of your business you want support on when you do it.]

Empowered Life Messengers

With all that is going on in the world, it is normal to feel anxiety as we see images of Hurricane and earthquake devastation, and our feelings of safety in public places like subways, schools, movie theaters, and our own homes are threatened. As a Spiritual business and Life mentor, I see how anxiety, setbacks, and crises can impact every aspect of a person's life and that includes their business if they have one. So how can you manage this?

  1. Be gentle with yourself and others.  We are human and when we see human suffering, we also hurt.

Some may say, “Just don't look at it and then we won't include it in our vibration.” But WE are all ONE! What is happening now on the planet – in my view – is a surfacing of all the lower level energies to come to the surface to be transformed bu can seem to be a very rough ride at times. Ask your inner guidance how you can help when you look into the world.  Is it by contributing money, or calling lawmakers to express your views and expectations of how you want them to vote on issues? This is not a time for complacency and thinking this is just all going to go away. The time has come to do what you came here to do, which is to BE a conduit of Divine Love on this planet no matter what you DO for a living.

I suggest more focus on light meditations/imaging. This need not take a lot of time and can be done during the day.

See the planet in light.
See your family in the light.
See all issues in the light… every day and throughout the day.

We to join our light together. Try this simple Light meditation I received during one of my Light meditations to give to you!

Imagine a circle of light like a spotlight, and you stepping into it.

Now allow your highest guidance (whatever you call it) to lift you up in the light tube or spotlight until you reach a level or sense that is ALL LIGHT.

Now rest in this light.

Bring in any issues, words, and people to the LIGHT.
You don't have to DO a thing – just invite them and ALLOW the light to absorb it.

Then ask what would you have me do as the LIGHT?
If nothing comes to you, do not worry.  It has been downloaded and will come in Divine Perfect timing.

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