In this episode, Geoff and I chat about managing your mind and not getting complacent in your connection to Spirit and being more devoted to your Spiritual path so that your entrepreneurial path is an “expression of” that path.

You must set aside ego and do whatever it takes. THIS will clear the path for Spirit!

Geoff shares the top three things are that every entrepreneur, but especially ones that proclaim themselves Spiritual Entrepreneurs, really need to be embodying and living to be successful both as a business and as a Spiritual being having a human experience that works:

  • Learning what gets in the way the most with entrepreneurs
  • Getting some suggestions on how to avoid the pitfalls that aren't necessary
  • Clarity on how to gauge where your current success level REALLY is as a Spiritual entrepreneur.
  • What's needed now in the times we're all facing

                                                                ABOUT OUR GUEST

Geoff is an internationally in-demand Relationship Coach, known as Your Relationship Architect, the author of the internationally best-selling books, “Instant Insights on Building a Conflict-Proof Relationship” and “Built to Last: Designing & Maintaining a Loving, Lasting, and Passionate Relationship” and a co-author of two other books.

Geoff coaches people in how to go beyond the settling that so many people have come to accept with their relationships and lives, to create a truly expansive way of being that matches their fully authentic Selves.

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I invite you to join our free Build Your Business from Your Soul Community. In this community not only will you be supported with informational podcasts with Successful Spiritual Entrepreneurs but also with a private Facebook group where we will be sharing Mentor Moments, sharing Action Items to take for you personally and for your business, and most importantly the Success Directory with access to amazing free tools you can put into action in your business right now. These gifts are from our podcast entrepreneurs to help you breakthrough into your own success and reaching your goals.


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