As I mentioned to you last week, we took our one and only child to college! It was a very happy experience, and I am super excited for her. She has her wings and is ready to SOAR.
My intention is to also watch her flight as an observer since it will help me to be more understanding and supportive when those I mentor find themselves in these kind of experiences.
I am allowing myself to experience the full range of feelings of being an “empty nester”.
I think that is a marketing term someone came up with, and I would like to create a new name. To me, “empty nester” feels… well empty.
While I do miss her, I also feel that my life in a lot of ways is expanding.
Therefore, I will choose to be an expanded nester.
I also want to encourage anyone who is sending their children off to school, whether it is that first day of preschool or college, to honor their journey whatever that is for them.
Too often, we compare our experiences to others and how we “should” be feeling.
I know that one day I may be feeling happy for my girl, and the next, I may be laying in her bed in her untouched room yearning to hear her say “Hey mom, got a minute?”
In this article, I will share with you how I am managing this part of my journey with the intention that it can support you in some way.
Here is what I am doing to navigate so far…
- Let it be okay how I am feeling and let that be okay if that looks sort of up and down.
There is no right or wrong way to deal with this change, which is why I turned to the tools and system I use to manage my energy.
I asked for Divine support to assist me with managing my energy day by day; moment by moment.
One of the tools I teach clients and members of the Empowered Business Community is the TOPS process.
TOPS… Turning Over Problems and allowing in the energy of Solutions!
Here is how TOPS works in my scenario…
Today, I awoke feeling anxious about my girl's whereabouts and what she might be doing on her second day of classes. The feeling was like going cold turkey because I once knew where she was because I had her class schedule on my wall.
TOPS in action…
Even though, I am feeling anxious and uneasy about my daughter's whereabouts, I now activate the energy of peace for me and her today! I also activate the knowing that she is safe and all is well.
I repeated the statements over and over until I felt relief!
About an hour later, she texted me. I had only heard from her once in the past four days, so that was an amazing positive evidence of my TOPS process lining up Divine solutions for me!
I would love to hear your experiences using this process, so we can share it with others. Just email us at
Look for my next article in this series as I manage my expanded nest. 🙂