How can you find out more about what your soul's plan is and how can you use that powerful information to create and build your business and LIFE from your soul?Listen in to my interview with Lisa Barnett of course! 

Lisa Barnett is the international bestselling author of From Questioning to Knowing: 73 Prayers to Transform Your Life, and The Infinite Wisdom of the Akashic Records.   

She is also the Founder of the Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom where she has taught thousands of students worldwide to access personal Soul Wisdom and Guidance to transform their life, working directly with their personal Akashic Record Keepers. 

In today's interview, Lisa shared more about what the “akashic records” are and how to tap into these records that are part of our soul's plan.

This goes beyond any religion to the universal coded language of our soul and how to tap into that for the greater good to have more ease and flow in your business and life.

Plus when you listen in now you can get her free gift:  

A Guided Visualization Journey thorough YOUR Akashic records

  • Meet your akashic record keeper and view your library
  • And receive gifts for you that will support you now to have more joy, health and prosperity in all ways!

Make sure you get our podcast guest's gifts as soon as you can for your own digital library… they may not be available for very long. 

                                                                ABOUT OUR GUEST

Lisa Barnett is the international bestselling author of From Questioning toKnowing: 73 Prayers to Transform Your Life,andThe Infinite Wisdom of theAkashic Records.

She is also the Founder of the Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom where she hastaught thousands of students worldwidetoaccess personal Soul wisdom andguidance to transform their life, working directly with their personal AkashicRecord Keepers. 

With more than twenty years of experience in spiritual healing, Lisa teaches thesesimple tools whichempower individuals to find greater fulfillment, happiness,abundance,andhealth.Lisa helps youalign withyoursoul path, understandyoursoul contracts, and completeyourkarma and vows.

Lisa's Gift Offer:

You will also find Lisa as our Featured Gift on our Success Support Directory page, if you are not a member yet below we invite you to join.

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Join Our "Build Your Business From Your Soul" Community

I invite you to join our free Build Your Business from Your Soul Community. In this community not only will you be supported with informational podcasts with Successful Spiritual Entrepreneurs but also with a private Facebook group where we will be sharing Mentor Moments, sharing Action Items to take for you personally and for your business, and most importantly the Success Directory with access to amazing free tools you can put into action in your business right now. These gifts are from our podcast entrepreneurs to help you breakthrough into your own success and reaching your goals.


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