Help! My Child Keeps Pushing My Buttons and I Don’t Want to “Lose It” (Again!)
Dear Parent or Influencer of Children,
I always thought when I had a child things were going to be super easy for me. After all, I was an enlightened parent…so how could it be otherwise…right?
Well, the first time I lost it and screamed at my daughter and made her cry – I was absolutely devastated. I felt like such a terrible person!
Can you relate?
You know, parenting pushes every button you have.
It pushes buttons from your childhood. It pushes buttons from experiences with your own parents…and whoever else had a strong impact on your life.
In other words, parenting brings up a whole bunch of “stuff” you would rather not deal with.
No Matter How Much You Love Your Child…
Your Buttons Will Get Pushed!
Now I’m not a therapist.
I’m not a parenting strategist.
And I can’t tell you about brain and childhood development in specific, scientific terms.
But what I can tell you about is how I have coached thousands and thousands of people to manage their energy to achieve their dreams in business, in relationships, in parenting and in life – and how I use these very same energy management techniques in parenting my own teenage daughter.
As a result of understanding these tools…I can manage emotions like fear, disappointment and anger…which is key in maintaining a loving, enjoyable relationship with my daughter.
The whole idea is that you’ve got to have a way to manage your energy – so you can manage your emotions and be the parent you want to be (I’m not talking about perfection here…just progress!).
What I’ve come to understand is that whether it’s your parenting, your marriage, your business or any aspect of your life, you have to start with YOU first.
Your world is simply reflecting the beliefs, patterns and energies you have activated within YOU.
So being an effective parent really has to start first with understanding the whole idea of managing YOUR own energy.
When You Understand That You Have to Start First
With You, On An Inner Level, You Become Empowered
This program is about helping you make a connection to your Inner Guidance where all the answers and solutions lie.
And really trusting yourself that when you do focus first on the inner level in anything – that’s where the power really is.
We tend to want to fix everything on an outer level…we want to take immediate action without first “checking within”. Action is important but it needs to come from a place of inspiration and empowerment.
Introducing the Empowered
Spiritual Parent 8-Week Program
Your Step-by-Step Guide to Increased Results, Joy and Fulfillment In Your Parenting Experience!
This Program will take you from where you are…to where you want to go in your relationship with your child…and anything else you want to apply it to!
In fact, this is the core program that my coaching clients pay $3,000 for in my Spiritual Coaching Program.
It’s the basis of everything I do and teach and it was “downloaded” to me through my own Inner Guidance during a very difficult and soul-searching time in my life…over 13 years ago.
Since then, I’ve created an amazing business and family using the techniques outlined in the step-by-step formula found in this Program.
Plus, at the end of each Lesson, you’ll find Activation Tools for each Lesson. Each tool is designed to help you implement what you learned in that Lesson…to help you discover how to create the relationship you want with your kids – and more!
Here’s just a taste of what you’ll discover in the Empowered Spiritual Parent 8-Week Program
How to manage your energy and your emotions so that you can create an enjoyable, loving, fun and mutually respectful relationship with your child or teenager.
- How financial worries impacts a family and how you can create more abundance through a shift in your thinking…so that financial stress is no longer creating stress in your relationships.
- How to shift your energy quickly when you’re having a disagreement with your partner or child…so you can avoid the drama and get back to peace. (It’s all about practice…you’ll just keep getting better and better at it!)
- How to transform your “Vibrational Output” or your thought patterns so you can shift your limiting beliefs about yourself, your relationships, and what’s possible for the future.
- How to get in touch with what you’re really feeling or thinking…so you can choose to shift your focus and start attracting what you want to experience with your child – and others – instead of what you don’t want.
- And much, much more!
“Energy Management Allows You to Experience More
Peace In Your Life and Your Family”
The Empowered Spiritual Parent 8-Week Program will help you feel a sense of ease and flow no matter what’s happening to you…or around you.
You will learn how to allow your Inner Guidance to coach you in your parenting experiences and in your life…so that you will find the joy you are looking for in all your relationships.
The 8 Lessons Include:
LESSON 1: What is a Spiritual Parent?
LESSON 2: Financial and Emotional Balance are Keys to Peace
LESSON 3: Partner with Your Inner Vibration for Success
LESSON 4: Energy Management is the Way to Activate Change
LESSON 5: Scripting to Create Vibrational Output
LESSON 6: The Perceptual Shift Process
LESSON 7: Activate Prosperity Consciousness
LESSON 8: Name Your Relationship with Money
Each Lesson includes Exercises and Activation Tools to take you through the in an easy-to-follow, step-by-step process. I created this Program in such a way that you could feel as if I am right beside you the whole time as your coach, taking you by the hand through this process…one step at a time. This process has worked for thousands, and it will work for you too!
Okay Sharon, I want The Empowered Spiritual Parent 8-Week Program! How Much Does It Cost and What’s Included?
A Step-by-Step Guide on how to develop both an Inner and an Outer approach to your family, your work and to your life. When you have completed the 8 short Lessons, you will be able to overcome your own guilt, fear and frustrations in regards to parenting…and step into a new model of living where you have the tools to manage your energy – no matter what’s going on around you – and attract the experiences and relationships with your children, family and friends that bring you the most joy.
This Program is Available For ONLY $97!
(for a limited time only)
You will also receive the following bonuses absolutely complimentary when you take action before the expiration date:
BONUS #1 – Free 60-Minute PRIVATE Coaching Session (Value $300)
You will receive a one-on-one PRIVATE coaching session with me. This session is designed to help you apply the Energy Management System found in my Guidebook specifically with your parenting challenges…or ANY other aspect of your career, business or life.
Remember, this is a PRIVATE coaching session, so you will receive personalized one-on-one coaching to help you further deepen your understanding of this personal Energy Management system. My intention is that you discover how to apply the Energy Management System to real-life situations you are experiencing right now. Once you sign up, you will be given instructions on how to schedule your free PRIVATE 60-minute coaching session!
BONUS #2 – Building Self Esteem In Children by Self-Esteem Expert, Jen Charbonneau (Value $79)
In this 32-page, in-depth report you're going to learn:
* Why the “mirror” has become your daughter's harshest judge & what you as a parent can do.
* Why comparing doesn't build self esteem and how limiting it can really be.
* What to say when a shopping trip with your daughter goes from bad to worse.
You will walk away with:
* Practical strategies and a language that you can use right away to promote self worth and beauty in your child.
* Practical ideas that girls can implement to build self esteem and self worth.
* Profound insight into how parenting awakens our own unresolved issues with body image and self worth.
Total Value of Everything on This Page $576
And You Can Have It All Right Now For $97!
30 Day Unconditional Guarantee – Zero Risk For You.
I want to make sure you are completely happy with your Empowered Spiritual Parent Guidebook, and all of the free bonuses.
I know how valuable this material is and what a difference it can make in your life and in the life of your children, teenagers and family, but if you are not happy for any reason whatsoever, you can request a “No Questions Asked” Refund and we will process your refund right away.
Yes, Sharon! I Want Your Guidebook and the Complimentary Bonuses!
“Earning more money and feeling more peace even in the middle of family drama”Sharon's energy management system has been THE Answer for me in my parenting and my marriage for sure. But also I use it in every area of my life and work. I am earning more money then ever, feeling more peace and finally have a way to deal with all the family drama with my kids!They even use it in schools and feel more empowered!~ Michele H. |
“The kids are not fighting me at bedtime and more..”Sharon, What can I say? When I started to use the principles in the workbook a light bulb came on! WOW!! I did not get that I cold really impact this in a positive way by how I focused my energy and how I choose to see any situation.Things turned around within 30 days! The kids are not fighting me at bed time, my husband and I are getting along better then ever too! Best of all I feel more at peace no matter how much craziness is going on at home or work.I really have partnered with Spirit in this whole journey and I KNOW I am not alone!~ Sharon S |
You CAN become an Empowered Spiritual Parent and you CAN develop both an Inner and an outer approach to managing your energy and enjoying your family, your work and your life. It’s a simple process that I can’t wait to take you through!
Once you discover how to manage your energy…your life will never be the same! Your children will learn from your example how to manage their energy as well…so they too can live a rich, rewarding, purposeful life.
Love and JOY,
Sharon Wilson
Founder & Chief Inspiration Officer
Coaching From Spirit Institute, LLC[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]P.S. I am holding the Intention for you to live a life of love, joy, health, peace and prosperity, always, in all ways as you move forward on your journey. Take action now so you can take advantage of all these incredible bonuses while they are still available.
Yes, Sharon! I Want Your Guidebook and the Complimentary Bonuses!