Paulette believes in movement of the brain, the spirit and the body. When you move, you gather your energy and gain momentum so you can shift or change your state, and can then embody the essence of all you deserve!
Illumination: to live lit up every day, create and elevate!
Keeping adventure in your life for creative juice!
Listen in and grab Paulette's gift of her Dance and Desire: the Heart and the Hustle online course.
For four amazing weeks you will identify and remove blocks, stop your self-sabotage, move your body to feel great in your skin, get your energy pumping and add momentum, change your words and your story to find soul-felt fulfillment, go after what you are desiring, discover a new creativity, with a happier body, and expand into joy and pleasure!

Paulette is the Tribal Hostess — which means she gathers creative women together in a variety of manners. Third year coming, she interviews and facilitates amazing folk for Heart and Hustle: Visionary Healers, Movers, and Shakers, a bi-monthly video blog series. Loving reaching out, she has been running Facebook Lives almost weekly for 3 years also, with coaching, inspiration, and lively conversation, as her theme.
Paulette's Gift Offer:
You will also find Paulettte as our Featured Gift on our Success Support Directory page, if you are not a member yet below we invite you to join.
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Join Our "Build Your Business From Your Soul" Community
I invite you to join our free Build Your Business from Your Soul Community. In this community not only will you be supported with informational podcasts with Successful Spiritual Entrepreneurs but also with a private Facebook group where we will be sharing Mentor Moments, sharing Action Items to take for you personally and for your business, and most importantly the Success Directory with access to amazing free tools you can put into action in your business right now. These gifts are from our podcast entrepreneurs to help you breakthrough into your own success and reaching your goals.