In this FREE TRAINING you will learn the exact secrets I've shared from the stage on just how to turn those “selling” conversations into “serving” conversations and have potential clients feeling excited to buy your product, program or service.
People paid in upwards of $497 to attend the live events and I am gifting it to YOU!
Do you find it hard to have “those” conversations?

In Only 90 minutes, You Will Learn these 4 things…

PLUS, you'll receive my proven fill-in-the-blank Soul-full Conversations that Sell template AND my Success Package valued at over $500!
Once you are registered, please check your Inbox for the confirmation email titled, “Congratulations! You are registered!” It contains the webinar details. For assistance, please email us at support@coachingfromspirit.com

“Wonderful new clients keep showing up!”
“My business has gone from a slow period to now having strongly increased flow and wonderful new clients keep showing up! Along the way, various obstacles have been easily resolved in miraculous ways, that might have killed a sale in the past. I am so grateful that I am able to help my clients manifest their dreams and more easily resolve any issues that come up in their transactions because I am in Sharon's mentorship program. Also I asked for my average sale to increase a few months ago, and the average has gone up about 25%, making my business much more profitable. Most importantly having Sharon's support and collaboration makes my business more fulfilling and enjoyable to me in so many ways, in addition to the increasing profit. It has meant a lot to me to have her help to work through things that used to keep me stuck and hold me back from taking actions and now I am able with her ongoing support find a place of greater alignment more easily and then things seem to just fall into place!”
– Laurie Sonnenfeld,
Oregon Principal Broker
“I am filling my virtual training programs and the results from my teleseminars have quadrupled!”
“With Sharon’s coaching and systems my business as teacher of medical intuitives and intuitive consultants is SOARING in such a short time! I am filling my virtual training programs and the results from my teleseminars have quadrupled! I also have high conversions when I talk to people about my training programs and individual work due to Sharon’s brilliant, intuitive systems! Sharon is awesome and one of the best coaches I’ve ever worked with.”
– Stacey Mayo
Creator of The Sentelligent Solution

I founded Coaching from Spirit Institute, a highly successful spiritual coaching business over 20 years ago, all while caring for my newborn baby. Since then I have become an internationally-known expert who has mentored thousands of people to work less, make more and have more fun in their lives using my inner and outer approach to accomplishing goals. I specialize in using a leading edge approach that I call “energy management” to support my clients to create amazing results beyond logic. I am also a Certified Spiritual Counselor and co- author of, “Intentional Change”, “Living an Extraordinary Life”, “Coaching with Spirit” and was asked to write a chapter about my mystical, spriritual experience that healed me of suicidal intentions and paved the way for me to be a midwife of this work, in “Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction” with Jack Canfield.
Sharon Wilson
Founder and Chief Inspiration Officer
© Sharon Wilson and Coaching from Spirit LLC All rights reserved.