Thank you!

I appreciate you and your interest in sharing your story with our community!

Here is the format for our 30-minute conversation.

I will introduce you with your bio then ask you to share what for you it means to be A Spiritually Persistent Entrepreneur

I will ask you these questions for you to share.

  • Challenges or issues that happened that helped you to activate being a SPE (Spiritually Persistent Entrepreneur)
  • Universal Themes or Divine Curriculum you see from those seeming challenges
  • The SHIFT: How it happened for you.
  • Tools to apply inner/ outer that worked for you
  • A strategy, tool, insight or method that was born from the contrast.  Can be a new way to market or a streamlined system.  Whatever was born that you want to share as your gift.
  • Next steps – Your free offer.

I will close with a short energy activation about 2 minutes.

Then I will invite you to share any last insights.

Please CLICK HERE to schedule a time for us to chat!

Love and JOY,

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